Sunday, May 13, 2012

Foxfire's Showcase filly - The Faerie Queene

Toad Hill's Faerie Queene is now 3 years old. Photos taken 2015 after 3 months of driving, jumping and obstacle training.

SOLD--Offered for sale at $2,000. Three months training in driving, jumping and obstacles. Nice enough to show in halter. Height measured June 19, 2015 36 1/2 to 36 3/4 tall.
AMHR registered.

Fiesta Rose and Faerie Queene, full sisters.
Photo 5/11/2014

Faerie Queene is a Yearling. Photo: 7/5/2013

Original Post

Showcase had the first foal of the season at Toad Hill on April 10th. The filly was also Showcase's first. Still trying to think of a name for the filly, she is marked just like mom, with blue eyes. -
(UPDATE: June 8th, her name is Toad Hill's Faerie Queene, we'll call her Queenie.)

Mare: Foxfire's ShowCase (AMHR)
Sire: Lucky Four RebelChase RebelHeir (AMHA/AMHR)
After foaling, cleaning the little gal off, nursing, ShowCase decided she had earned a rest and laid down for a few minutes.

It wasn't long before the two decided to take a walk, besides mommy was ready for bunch so she started looking for some nice grass.

The filly is almost a month old in the photo below, still no name but it will come to me. Eureka, Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee, trying to think of something Royal...but give me a break I have friends naming their horses Prince of Wales, Kathyn etc...need something original.

Got it, I remember something about the Faerie Queen in literature. Looked it up on Wikipedia:
"The Faerie Queene is an incomplete English epic poem by Sir Edmund Spenser. The first half was published in 1590, and a second installment was published in 1596. The Faerie Queene is notable for its form: it was the first work written in Spenserian stanza and is one of the longest poems in the English language.[1] It is an allegorical work, and can be read (as Spenser presumably intended) on several levels of allegory, including as praise of Queen Elizabeth I. In a completely allegorical context, the poem follows several knights in an examination of several virtues. In Spenser's "A Letter of the Authors," he states that the entire epic poem is "cloudily enwrapped in allegorical devises," and that the aim of publishing The Faerie Queene was to “fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gentle discipline.” "
Sire: Lucky Four RebelChase RebelHeir
Dam: Foxfire's ShowCase

Showcase and Queenie, May 20, 2012

Rebel (sire) and Queenie, June 5, 2012
Dark Shadows and Queenie, June 28, 2012

Faerie Queene in Winter Coat - Pure white with some muddy smudges.
Taken November 25, 2012

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