Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pirate's First MiniVan Ride

Let me begin by saying that this photo blog is about Foxfire's Picture Perfect's first minivan ride. While driving to Excaliber's Training Stables we decided to call him Pirate, so in the future Picture Perfect will be called by that name. 

Shortly after Pirate's arrival in Illinois we figured out he really does not understand lifting his feet to walk into a trailer. Given this information we assumed that getting him into the van would be a challenge. 

Our work-around was get him into the trailer and then back up the minivan to the trailer and have him walk from the trailer into the minivan. The first obstacle was the blizzard had filled part of the trailer with snow. Luckily Pirate went right through the snow.

It worked just as planned. No pushing or tugging, just wave the feed pan in in he went.

After Pirate got in, he went right to the hay. 

This was the weekend after the blizzard (some of you in the central part of the U. S. should remember this event in February, 2011).

Well Saturday was nice and sunny, so the ride was uneventful. Pirate kept his nose to the feed and missed all the scenery.

Once arriving at Excaliber's in Herscher, Illinois, we opened the door for Pirate to jump out, but he would have no interested in it. Rather than attempt to drag him out, Jason walked around to the other sliding door in the van, and clapped his hands loudly to encourage Pirate to escape.

Once on the ground, Pirate was quite content with himself and I am sure we was thinking "No problem" 

A short walk to the barn and his temporary home until his first show in April. Watch for Pirate in Illinois and perhaps Michigan and/Wisconsin during the 2011 show season.

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